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GD Guidelines and Questions for the Moderators

Posted: 01:09PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for froggygg froggyggAusmod
Magical Sorceress Frog
Posts: 9892

dowinka wrote:
I just got my "First Warning."

I was told not to complain or voice my opinion anymore because they can't do anything about my problem.

Dowinka, you know why you received your first warning PM. You posted that you purposely changed your dob in order to gain access to a restricted forum as well as posting what you read in that forum. Your warning had nothing to do with not voicing your opinion in a positive manner. It dealt with you breaking a rule and then posting that you had done so. Also, the portion of the PM that dealt with complaining, was directed at your continued complaints (those which are intended to only keep negative posts going and not making positive suggestions as many have) about the adults having the Grown Up forum and that the younger members should also have their own forum. As I stated in my PM, this issue has been posted in the Bugs forum by Matt and Jake has already replied to Matt's post. As I also stated, the Moderators do not have the ability to create forums - only Jake can create new forums and he has already received that suggestion. Please do not attempt to make your warning PM sound as if it was meant to keep you from voicing your opinions as you know that was not what that PM was for. As I said in that PM, your input and comments are welcome. If you still have complaints, please feel free to voice them in a PM to Jake as he is the only person who can create a new forum.

SMILE and people will wonder what you are up to!
Post from iforgotbraingle deleted on 01:34PM Jul 16, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 01:35PM Jul 16, 2009.
Post from iforgotbraingle deleted on 01:35PM Jul 16, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 01:35PM Jul 16, 2009.
Post from iforgotbraingle deleted on 01:35PM Jul 16, 2009.
Posted: 01:40PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for froggygg froggyggAusmod
Magical Sorceress Frog
Posts: 9892

Moderator note: Before either IFB or dowinka question why their posts have been deleted, it was due to those posts not adding productive comments. This topic was not created as a place for posting messages back and forth - PMs were created for such conversations.

SMILE and people will wonder what you are up to!
Posted: 01:54PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for Life_Sucks Life_Sucksgus
Posts: 2530

iforgotbraingle wrote:
Plus how is it fair that the mods can team up but others can't? That's far from desirable from anyone outside of your little club. Heck, we can't even see inside your little club's forum, so we have no idea how everything is ran. Transparency fail!

Hmm, maybe this should be posted in the Questions For Jake, but... yeah. Why is it that regular members aren't even allowed to see how you guys are running things? I always hear, "we talked it over," but... it would be really awesome to be able to look in. I mean yeah, we're not allowed to post in there, but to just SEE it?

the air is full of dust
Posted: 01:57PM Jul 16, 2009
Posts: 987

If a user PMs a moderator with an issue, and the mods have to discuss, is it really fair for it to then go on public display, considering the "P" stands for "Private"?

I think perhaps us mods do have too much of a "behind closed doors" feel, but seeing everything could really cause problems - simply us being more open in the public forums would probably be a better idea.
Posted: 02:05PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for Sunrose SunroseAus
Posts: 3490

4demo, I have felt that way for a very long time now. Even when I was a moderator.


But, I would like to ask another question here, so please just bare with me while I try to explain myself as to why I am asking, and the reason for me asking. I believe in communicating, and I feel it is because the lack of it that has caused many issues on this site. But that is my opinion though, and not real question though.

As stated in another post in this topic, a mod told another member to ask the question and not go on a rant about it. Well, let me ask this: If a question was asked, and nothing more would you actually be able to answer their question? Would you be able to answer properly since you do not have a true understanding as to why the question was asked or what the reason behind them asking is? Like did they misunderstand the reason, or was they confused about something. That would actually be hard to tell if all they did was actually just ask the question, and in my humble opinion it would actually be hard to answer properly as well if you did not understand, know the reason as to why they asked it to begin with.

This isn't a rant, nor a bash. But communicating is something that we do need to try to do or there will be blow ups, and steam rolling out of people's ears, and even cause feelings such as 4demo's and others on this site.

I just think that if we all took a little time and actually asked why before jumping the gun and all would help.

I am not trying to offend anyone nor cause trouble either, and am sorry if that does happen. I'm just trying to help.

Made your bed, now lay in it....But you can always add a bedside table, change the sheets, take out the doesn't have to stay the same unless you want it to.
Posted: 02:14PM Jul 16, 2009
Posts: 987

I think this question was referring to my request of Steve earlier in the topic. (If this is incorrect, my apologies, please disregard this post!) However I'd like to point out that there is a distinct difference between "ranting" and "explaining".

You yourself, Suni, have definitely fallen into the latter category - the question was explained, the context covered and the meaning clarified. It was polite and friendly, and not preachy or insulting. It was exactly what I would hope for from a user voicing a question or concern. However, if you'd continuously stated the point, with ever-increasing anger, venom or sarcasm, whilst talking down to the Mods about the job they're doing, then that would cause a problem, and I (personally - bear in mind I'm not speaking on behalf of the other mods here) would be less inclined to help.

Obviously it depends on the question, but in most circumstances some explanation is needed. As you said, communication is vital. (Why else would we be on a Message Board if not for communication? ) The important thing is the way in which the concern is presented.
Posted: 02:27PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for Sunrose SunroseAus
Posts: 3490

Thank you Smithy

And yes it was, but I have been on this site for years and have seen things like this pop up many times. Even if the post is posted in anger, we should be able to help answer their question. Even if that means that we need to ask a few questions ourselves to help understand the why, and even understand their rant, and and why they give insults. Everyone will blow their top, and even get steam rolling out of their ears, but not helping isn't going to help the problem either. That will just make it worse

I know that everyone posts differently, and sometimes, especially on a message board things can and will be took in a manner that the poster did not intend because the way the poster wrote it. I do hope that everyone that is a member of this site will take that in consideration as well. (And no, I am not speaking Steve's post, because he is my hubby after all, and I figure that is something that he will need to work on. )

After all, there is 2 authors to every story. The one who wrote it, and the one who is reading it. The reason because we each have a different look, view and perceive it differently. And I am rambling and thinking out loud too. I best just leave it for now

Made your bed, now lay in it....But you can always add a bedside table, change the sheets, take out the doesn't have to stay the same unless you want it to.
Posted: 07:03PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for snowmonster snowmonsterAus
Posts: 19811

Well, are all finished discussing these issues, or do we need to beat the dead horse a bit more. . . . seams to me, the horse is pretty flattened out already . . . .

---This message was edited on 11:55PM Jul 16, 2009---

Take all sorrow out of life and you take away all richness, and depth, and tenderness. The capacity of sorrow belongs to our grandeur. It is the furnace that melts hearts together in love.
Posted: 07:49PM Jul 16, 2009
Avatar for Sunrose SunroseAus
Posts: 3490

snowmonster wrote:
Well, are all finished discussing these issues, or do we need to beat the dead horse a bit more. . . . seams to me, the horse is pretty flattened out already . . . .

I'm not sure Snowy, that horse really don't look dead to me yet

For me it is Snowy

Made your bed, now lay in it....But you can always add a bedside table, change the sheets, take out the doesn't have to stay the same unless you want it to.
Post from snowmonster deleted on 11:32PM Jul 16, 2009.
Post from Brainy_1 deleted on 12:22AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from Life_Sucks deleted on 12:22AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 12:22AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from Life_Sucks deleted on 12:22AM Jul 17, 2009.
Post from dowinka deleted on 12:22AM Jul 17, 2009.
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